Impact of AI and Big Data in Entrepreneurship: A Survey


  • Rimsha Rafique Department of Computer Science, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore, Pakistan.
  • Irshad Ahmed Sumra Department of Computer Science, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore, Pakistan.
  • Abdul Sattar Department of Computer Science, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore, Pakistan.
  • Safa Hussain Department of Computer Science, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore, Pakistan.


Entrepreneurship, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Machine Learning, Smart Entrepreneurship


The disruptive perspective artificial intelligence along with robotic technology plays a significant role. Research about contemporary entrepreneurship during the last few years shows that artificial intelligence alongside big data remains an unexplored area despite their important impact across fields This paper demonstrates how these technological features enhance productivity through advancements in entrepreneurial research methods. The document discusses ethical problems and paradoxes which emerge due to the difference between AI systems that follow rules and the unpredictable nature of entrepreneurial processes. The research guidelines offer both researchers and practitioners future research possibilities together with acknowledgment that technology may be abused for private gains.




How to Cite

Rimsha Rafique, Irshad Ahmed Sumra, Abdul Sattar, & Safa Hussain. (2024). Impact of AI and Big Data in Entrepreneurship: A Survey. Journal of Computing & Biomedical Informatics, 8(01). Retrieved from